Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hello Again

Hello my darling invisibles its me again. I was up at a (for me anyway) ridiculous hour this morning because I'm so close to finishing my flip flop dolly for my niece whose birthday was yesterday. Fortunately for my inherent procrastinator self the party isn't till Saturday and I did finish the hair yesterday and one of the faces. I just have the blonde to give an identity to now. I must say that as much of a pain as she was to make, ( I hate hate HAtE sewing shirts for dolls because I never can quite get them right) I'm rather pleased with the end result. I've been trying to figure out a way to make a male version of these for my etsy account and it just came to me that I can make trench coats or wizards robes for them! How brilliant. With the world being all about Harry Potter right now and being a huge fan of him myself, it just might work. Not that I care what the world thinks, because they're my art after all aren't they? I will post some quick cell phone pics of miss dolly here because I didn't get any of the apron I made for my dad whose birthday was also yesterday. It was an inspiration if I do say so myself. Darling husband has a thing for guns and growing up with a former military father, I always enjoyed shooting things too. So I made a barbecue apron for my dad and was stumped for what to put on it. I couldn't use spongebob like I did for mine and Jarell's aprons because.... well just because. Then on our way to get groceries I asked Jarell what he thought I should use and he said, "Kill em all and let god sort em out," to which I replied, "not for an apron goofball." Then he thought about it for I swear 2 seconds and replied, "Cook em all and let your guests sort em out. And put the little skull with the cross bones wearing a chef's hat." And I was hooked. I changed the cross bones for crossed spatula's and the rest as they say was history. It was really pretty cute and I'm thinking of making a matching grill tools tote thingy for father's day.

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