Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Home but good and mad

Well we're finally home and I'm so happy to be here. I am not however happy with the last movie we watched this evening. We watched "The Mist" and I'm livid over the ending. The movie was mediocre at best throughout the whole thing, but when you get to the end and I'm not going to spoil it for those of you who still want to see it, I was about as pissed off as I can get. There is a character who, fortunately gets whats coming to her, but before hand she goes all hypocritical bible thumper on everyone and even goes so far as to incite a crowd to murder before she's finally shot. But the fact that the movie ended the way it did absolutely disgusted me. I've never been a King fan altho I have enjoyed a few of his movies, but this really upset me. Thats all I have to say for tonight as I am exhausted.

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